Determining claims for someone to do something

You can get help from us if you want to get back or remove property. The same applies if a person or company has unlawfully done something with your property or prevents you from using it.

Apply for ordinary or special assistance

You can apply for ordinary or special assistance to have your claim determined in, for example, the following situations:

  • You believe that a person or company should return things to you.
  • A landowner closes off a road you have the right to use.
  • You are a landlord, but the tenant does not let you into the flat.
  • You want someone to remove property, such as a car. You are not allowed to move the vehicle yourself. You can apply for help with us if you know who owns the car. If you don't know, you can contact the Swedish Police or your municipality.

You pay a fee

You pay a fee if you apply for our help with ordinairy or special assistance for someone to do something. Read more about our fees and costs:

Fees and costs

Ordinary or special assistance

Here we explain how to proceed and why.

In some situations, you can only apply for ordinary assistance, in others only special assistance. Sometimes you can choose.

Apply for ordinary assistance

You must apply for ordinary assistance if

  • the person you have a claim against previously had the right to live in a residence, but has not paid the rent
  • you in the same case want to apply for someone to both do something and pay, for example return property and pay for it.

Apply for special assistance

You must apply for special assistance if someone has unlawfully settled on your land. You don't need to know who the person is to apply for what we call removal.

You want to get rid of whoever settled on your land or in your house (in Swedish)

Choose between ordinary or special assistance

You can choose between ordinary and special assistance when you want

  • to get back or remove property
  • for someone who has done something unlawful to stop.

Reasons for ordinary assistance

Reasons to apply for ordinary assistance may be that

  • you lack documentary evidence that someone has unlawfully done something to your property or prevented you from using it
  • you want to claim compensation for costs in addition to the application fee and your or your representative's work, meaning also apply for an order to pay
  • the case is decided in court if the person you have a claim against objects. The court proceedings provide better opportunities to present evidence and sort out the legal relationship, such as the right to the road.

Grounds for special assistance

Grounds for applying for special assistance may be that you

  • can easily prove (have documentary evidence) that someone has unlawfully done something to your property or prevented you from exercising your right, such as the right to use a road (an easement)
  • believe that the person you have a claim against will object and you want a quick process where the case is decided by us (the decision is only about the claim itself, for example that a road obstacle must be removed)
  • want to request that your application be decided immediately (interlocutory). That means we make a temporary decision that we can implement immediately.

Apply for ordinary assistance

You can use the e-service (in Swedish) or the form (in English). If you prefer the form, fill in the form Application for order to pay/ordinary assistance.

Who can apply via the e-service?

You who are a private individual or a sole trader, can apply via the e-service.

If you are the CEO or a representative with sole right to sign, you can create, sign and submit an application for order to pay.

Representatives who do not have the right to sign for a company name alone can create and edit an application that has not been submitted, if there is someone else at the company who has the sole right to sign.

The e-service is not available to representatives in companies where no one has the sole right to sign.

Someone should do something: ordinairy assistance

Apply for special assistance

Apply for special assistance using form:

Application for special assistance/removal (in Swedish)

You apply for ordinary assistance using our e-service or form. For the application for special assistance, you can only apply using a form.

Carefully fill out your application so that you do not need to add anything.

You must provide a lot of information

You must fill in details on

  • you as applicant
  • contact details (email, phone number, entry code, mobile number, employer, etc.)
  • the one against whom you have the claim
  • the claim and background of the claim
  • interest (not in case of special assistance)
  • compensation for costs you have had.

Important to describe the claim

Describe the grounds of your claim in detail. Otherwise, you may need to supplement your application and your matter will take longer.

Is your claim about

  • getting back or removing property, you must describe it closely by attaching photos or documents detailing, for example, the colour, make, model, number and address where the property is located
  • getting access to a flat or premises for inspection or repairs, or about removing a road barrier, please carefully describe what has happened and provide details regarding address, property unit designation, and flat number etcetera.

Examples of what you can write:

"The application is regarding a white jacket of the brand XX in size medium and a black city bike, make Karin, of the brand XX. They both belong to XX and must be returned to the owner."

"Grant access to a garage on City Street 1, 114 44 City. In the garage, there is a white XX car with registration number ABC 123. The car belongs to XX."

Documentary evidence

You need to have documentary evidence proving your right if you want to apply for special assistance, such as copies of agreements, contracts, receipts, photographs, maps, affidavits, minutes, and decisions.

Costs you want compensation for

It says in the e-service or on the form what costs you can claim compensation for.

The costs you can claim compensation for depend on whether you apply for ordinary or special assistance.

Fees and costs

Consider enforcement

Now you must consider whether we should help you implement (enforce) the claim if it is determined.

You must actively notify us if you do not want us to implement (enforce) the decision (verdict). Otherwise, we will do that. You can use the decision as basis for applying for enforcement later on.

Fees for implementing a decision (enforcement)

You can find information about fees on our website.

Fees and costs

Review and sign

Review your application and make any changes. After that, you sign the application using an e-ID or sign the form.

Submit digitally or by post, respectively.

Your orders

You can see information about your orders on My Pages. Log in and select Mina krav mot andra and then Förelägganden.

Orders (in Swedish)

We first send a physical or digital letter (order) to the person you think should return or remove property, or do something or stop doing something. The letter can also be sent to a representative, such as a trustee or beneficiary. Anyone with a digital mailbox will receive the letter there.

The letter includes an acknowledgement of receipt that the person or representative must sign and return to us. It is proof that the person has received the letter (been served). They can also log in to My Pages and reply that they have received the letter or call us.

Reminder after ten days

We will send a reminder after ten days if the person does not

  • send the acknowledgement of receipt to us
  • respond via My Pages
  • call us and confirm that they have received the letter.

If the person does not respond after the reminder, we call or visit them at home. If necessary, we also visit the workplace. In addition to the two letters we send, our process servers usually also make three attempts to contact the person to get them to accept the letter. This is done at different times - days, evenings, and weekends.

If we cannot make contact

If we cannot make contact, we can still consider that the person has received the letter. There are two possibilities:

  • Another person agrees to receive the letter, such as an adult in the household or the employer. This is called "surrogate service".
  • We leave the letter in the person's home or at another suitable place after we have
    • attempted to make contact three times within three weeks
    • confirmed that the person lives at their registered address
    • visited the person's workplace
    • attempted to get someone in the household or the employer to accept the letter
    • assessed that the person has absconded or is staying away. This is called "nailing".

We can stop

We can stop our efforts to get the person to receive the letter if

  • we cannot reach the person, despite visits to their home or workplace.
  • no one can confirm that the person lives at their registered address.
  • we assess that the person has moved and cannot find a new address.

You can contact us

We may offer you to be personally responsible for ensuring that the person accepts the letter (rarely in case of special assistance). This is called service by party. In these cases, you can choose to engage the Swedish Police or a process serving company that does what we call "service by process server".

You can also contact us about the possibility of carrying out service by party.

If you think the decision (the verdict) is wrong

You can apply for the court to change the decision (application for re-trial).

What to do

You apply by sending us an email or letter within three weeks from the date of the decision. Write

  • that you want to apply for re-trial to the district court
  • the number of the decision (the verdict)
  • why the decision is incorrect and in what way you want to change it
    your contact details (name, personal identity number or company registration number, address, phone number).

Sign the application yourself or through a representative. You should also attach documents that you believe prove that the decision should be changed.

We will send your application to the court. The court does not charge a fee when you apply for re-trial.

This happens to your counterpart

Read more about what happens to the one you have a claim against.

Someone wants you to do something

When you apply for judicial assistance, you must consider whether we should assist you in implementing (enforcing) the decision if the claim is determined. If you do not apply for enforcement now, you can do so later. If you do not take a position, the main rule is that we implement the decision. Read more about how it works:

Get someone to do something

Temporary decision in urgent cases

Have you applied for special assistance and it is urgent? You can request that your application be decided immediately (interlocutory). We will then make a temporary decision that we can implement immediately and before the recipient has received the application.

To qualify for an interim order, you must

  1. be able to show that the matter cannot wait
  2. have very strong evidence.

There should basically be nothing that the person against whom you are directing the claim can say for the decision to be changed later on.

If you want us to examine the question of an interim order, you can email us a copy of your application.

Interim order

An interim order is very intrusive. That's why we always take into account the rights of both parties.

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