How to log in to our e-servicesHow to log in to our e-services
You need an e-ID to log in to My Pages and our e-services.
You need an e-ID to log in to My Pages and our e-services.
If you have problems logging in to My Pages or using our e-services, you can do several things.
Download and save the form to your computer. When you open it, you get all the help features for the fill-in fields.
On My Pages, you can view your own or the company's debts and use our e-services.
Do you want to keep track of what claims (orders) someone has against you? Then you should use the e-service My Orders.
If you want to keep track of your debts, you should use the e-service My Debts. You can find the service on My Pages.
Employers, unemployment insurance funds, and pension providers can use our e-service.
Employers, unemployment insurance funds or pension providers can report details about a person's salary.
Receivers or constructors can communicate with us in our e-service Bankruptcy Supervision.