Response to Inquiry

The e-service Response to Inquiry is directed at you as representative of employers, unemployment insurance funds, or pension providers. Use the e-service to, for example, provide details about a person's salary or compensation.

What information to provide depends on whether you represent an employer, unemployment insurance fund, or pension provider.

You can access the e-service (in Swedish) by logging in using your e-identification.

Response to Inquiry

Provide details

Have you received a form asking you to provide details of a person's salary or compensation? If so, you can provide the details in the service Response to Inquiry instead of returning the form.

It is important that you representing an employer also provide other information, such as if an employee has left the company.

You are required to provide information about the person's income in the form of

  • salary
  • pension
  • other remuneration.

If the service does not work

If the service is not working, you will find more information on what you can do on the website.

How to log in to our e-services

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