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You want to object to a claim

Have you or your company received a letter (order) with a claim for payment or action? If the claim is incorrect, you must object to the claim.

You can object to a claim that you believe is incorrect.

Act in time

You must take action within a certain number of days, counting from the day you reply that you have received the claim. The time you have (the time limit for explanation) is in the letter you received. If you do not take action, we decide that you are obligated to pay or do something. The decision is called a verdict.

You who can use our E-service Object to a claim (contest) are a

  • private individual
  • CEO
  • representative with sole right to sign.

You can object to the claim by writing

  • that you object
  • why the claim is incorrect (especially important in case of special assistance, meaning if someone thinks you have done something unlawful).

Attach any documentary evidence (if the claim concerns special assistance).

Object in writing in one of the following ways:

  • on My Pages on our website (if the claim relates to ordinary assistance)
    My Pages (in Swedish)
  • with a form
  • on the acknowledgement of receipt included in the letter
  • in an email
  • in a letter.

You can object to part of the claim

If part of the claim is correct, you can pay or do part of what is in the claim. If so, in your objection, you must write

  • that you have paid or done part of what is stated in the claim
  • which part of the claim you think is incorrect
  • why.

Please notify us if you pay or do part of what is stated in the claim. Then the applicant must withdraw their claim. If they don't, we can still make a decision.

Please note!

It is in this part of the process you must object if you consider the claim to be incorrect. After we have made a decision, you must contact the court to apply for a review of our decision (application for re-trial).

We notify the applicant that you object to the claim and refer your case to the court if the applicant so requests. After that, we close your case. The court considers whether the claim is correct or not.

We will close your case even if the applicant does not request that we hand over the case to the court.

If you object and the case is sent to court

If your case goes to court, you may continue to receive new documents through so-called simplified service. Then the court will send you two letters. You do not need to confirm that you received the documents; you are still considered to have accessed them. How it works:

  1. The court sends a letter with the documents to your last known address (it may be an email address if you have provided one).
  2. If the letter is returned, the court will send the letter to your registered address, unless it was already used.
  3. The next business day, the court will send a control message to the same address. If you only receive the control message, but not the document, you must immediately contact the court.
  4. The court considers that you have received the document two weeks after sending you the first letter. For example, if the first letter was sent to you on 1 April, you are considered served on 15 April.

Remember this while the case is ongoing:

  • Notify the court if you change your residential address or email address.
  • Check your mail at least every two weeks. Notify the court in advance if you are unable to access your mail.
  • You may receive documents through simplified service, even if your case is appealed or handed over to another court.

If you object and the applicant requests that we refer the case to a court, you may be liable to pay the applicant's legal costs if you lose the case.

If the claim refers to special assistance

For example, if the claim is that you have settled on the applicant's land without permission, the applicant is not asked whether the case should be submitted to a district court. Instead, the applicant may respond to your objection before we decide the case.