Opinions on the website
If you have opinions on the website, please email us.
Unfortunately, we cannot reply to all emails, but we read everything and consider your opinions in our improvement work.
If you have questions related to other things, you can call or email us. You will find contact information in the footer.
Recommended browsers
Our website is tested and works well in modern browsers that support web standards set by the W3C. Examples include newer versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
Common browsers
Our e-services
Our e-services work best in Google Chrome. If you have problems with another browser, we therefore suggest switching to Chrome. We are unable to provide technical support in case of any problems.
Your browser must support Javascript in order for you to log in to the e-services.
Content disclaimer
The content of the website is of high quality. However, it is practically impossible to completely avoid mistakes. Should the website content differ from the printed text of our legal information, publications, etc., the printed version applies.
Use of material — copyright
Copyright does not apply to laws and other regulations, official decisions, judgments and opinions or official translations of such texts (Section 9, first paragraph of the Copyright Act).
Manuals, legislative comments, and informational texts and publications prepared by a public authority are subject to limited copyright. This means that you may copy, translate, display and perform the material if you specify the source and author's name to the extent required by good practice (Section 26a, second paragraph of the Copyright Act).
The material must not be changed more than is required to use it. It must also not be reproduced in an abusive context. For example, revisions or deletions should be avoided.
Web Statistics Analysis tools
We use Vizzit to get an idea of how visitors use the website.
The data collected in Vizzit is anonymised so we must never be able to identify a single individual. We also never share this data with third parties. All services used for data collection are operated within Sweden's borders and are dedicated to the Enforcement Authority.