Tips for filling out a form

Download and save the form to your computer. When you open it, you get all the help features for the fill-in fields, such as summations or explanatory texts (tooltips).

In a fillable PDF form, you can enter information in fields. To complete the form, you need a PDF reader, such as Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader.

What to do

  1. Click the icon to download the form. You do this on the form page of the service. (If you don't need the help features, you can skip step 2 onwards.)
  2. Save the form to your computer. How you save depends on the browser you use. Look for an icon to download or to save.
  3. Open the form with Adobe Reader or the software you usually use to read PDFs.
  4. Now you have access to all the features and can fill in the form.

Help and Tips

If you use Adobe Reader to read PDF files, we recommend using the latest version for best results. You can download the program for free on the Adobe website:


If you experience problems with forms in PDF format, you can get tips and advice on the Adobe website:

PDF issues (in Swedish)

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